Extracellular vesicle science

Empty flash columns

The columns are designed for fast, preparative separation (flash chromatography), dedicated to packing with solid sorbents by the end user. The columns are made of medical-grade polypropylene and are equipped with Luer-Lock connectors. Maximal operating pressure: up to 200 psi.

Supplier: Hawach Scientific

Request a quote
Product ID Description Weight Length Package


Empty solid load cartridge with screw cap, frits, tips and O-ring

4 g

115.1 mm

8 pcs/pk


Empty solid load cartridge with screw cap, frits, tips and O-ring

12 g

137.8 mm

8 pcs/pk


Empty solid load cartridge with screw cap, frits, tips and O-ring

25 g

188.2 mm

10 pcs/pk


Empty solid load cartridge with screw cap, frits, disbursing unit, tips and O-ring

40 g

188.7 mm

6 pcs/pk


Empty solid load cartridge with screw cap, frits, disbursing unit, tips and O-ring

60 g 173.3 mm 6 pcs/pk


Empty solid load cartridge with screw cap, frits, disbursing unit, tips and O-ring

80 g

263.5 mm

5 pcs/pk


Empty solid load cartridge with screw cap, frits, disbursing unit, tips and O-ring

100 g

146.6 mm

3 pcs/pk


Empty solid load cartridge with screw cap, frits, disbursing unit, tips and O-ring

120 g

277.7 mm

4 pcs/pk


Empty solid load cartridge with screw cap, frits, disbursing unit, tips and O-ring

220 g

218.5 mm

4 pcs/pk
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